April 23, 2014
As a featured speaker at this year’s ROACH Conference in Seattle, Craig presented a “Review of Automotive Standards Utilizing Reverberation” and participated in the “Emerging Technologies in EMI/EMC testing” panel discussion. He also attended several other meetings concerning EMC standards this spring and was kind enough to pass along some notes and a couple of snapshots.
Automotive standards development at the North American and International levels continues to be hectic in 2014. The SAE EMC committees had a meeting in January 2014 and will be having another in April. At the international level, CISPR/D WG1, CISPR/D WG2, and ISO/TC22/SC3/WG3 had their first of two meetings scheduled for 2014 in February.
Experts from eight countries convened at the ETS Lindgren facility in Cedar Park, Texas to continue work on the CISPR 12, CISPR 25, ISO 11451-xx, ISO 11452-xx, and ISO 7637-x standards. ETS Lindgren was kind enough to host the meetings per the request of the CISPR and ISO USTAG Delegates. The meetings were a great success and a lot of progress was made toward the next revisions of the subject standards. The CISPR/D and ISO committees greatly appreciated the support of ETS Lindgren and their staff again for the meetings. The next international level meetings for these standards groups will be held in Frankfurt, Germany in October 2014.
The Chapter hosted the Reverberation Chamber, Open Area Test Site, and Anechoic Chamber (ROACH) Users Group meeting in Seattle, Washington in March 2014. The ROACH meetings are a “think tank” for key players in the EMC industry. Standards updates and new technologies regarding reverberation chamber, anechoic chamber, and TEM cell testing were presented. This meeting drew experts from around the world. The experts were there to make presentations and were also available for sidebar discussions. This meeting was a great opportunity for people in the EMC industry to talk “shop” with others in the industry. Pat Hall and I had a great time both during and after the formal meetings. Take a look at that pile of Pacific coast seafood.