How To Acquire Accurate & Efficient EMC Lab Equipment

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November 6, 2013

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests require the use of specialized and costly pieces of electronic equipment.  The electronic equipment must perform the measurements accurately and efficiently.  A process used to acquire equipment at Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. that has been successful is a collaborative effort between Elite, our customers, and the equipment manufacturers.

The process starts by identifying a need for the equipment.  The need can be identified from schedule bottlenecks, missed opportunities, operation safety concerns, or functionality.  Once the need is identified, various manufacturers of the test equipment are researched. In our research, we consider the equipment’s features, cost, warranties, and service.  Often, equipment on the market does not have the required features to meet our customer’s needs. This situation is where Elite’s personnel provide valuable insights.  Our customers and equipment manufacturers know everything about the design of their equipment.

However, Elite is in the unique position of knowing how to test our customer’s equipment and how to use the manufacturer’s test equipment.  Knowing our customer’s needs, Elite’s personnel work closely with the manufacturer to design equipment that accurately and efficiently performs the tests. This collaborative relationship has benefited everyone involved.  The EMC test industry also benefits because now the equipment Elite helped to design is available to everyone.     

Tom conducting an internal equipment training session in August.

Do you have any questions about choosing EMC Test EquipmentLightning Testing, or other related topics? Please share your comments or questions below and this week’s expert, Tom Klouda, will get back to you as soon as possible. 
