The Power Conversion Challenge...Efficiency, Power Output, Size, But What About EMI?

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May 21, 2015

*Register for the June 9th EMC seminar here*

Here at Elite, we test a wide range of electronic devices from small wireless transmitters to large machinery covering applications in automotive, military, industrial, and consumer devices. The common thread for all, regardless of their size or function, is they require efficient and regulated electric power.

The manner in which they control power is typically done by switching, chopping, or pulse width modulation using devices like MOSFETs, IGBTs, and other switched power electronic circuitry. The benefit of designs using these components is they provide greater efficiency, lower DC ripple, and smaller packaging. However, the consequence of their use is they can generate higher levels of electromagnetic interference compared to other power conversion techniques.  

The regulatory and OEM limits for electromagnetic interference restrict conducted RF emissions on power and I/O leads and radiated emissions from the equipment enclosure and cabling. These measurements are performed every day at Elite and they present a challenge to our customers in that they need to engineer the optimum balance for efficiency and high power density while limiting RF interference—it’s not an easy task.

Elite engineers and consultants can troubleshoot and help mitigate conducted and radiated emissions issues when they arise in the lab.  We can certainly spot the emissions signature from switched-mode power supplies and other power conversion designs and then offer in-lab options for solving the problem. But the better approach to solving compliance issues is to design them out early in product development and well ahead of the time that the device arrives at Elite for testing. EMC optimized power supply designs can save time and cost when it comes to product validation and compliance testing.

To help our clients achieve greater success with this engineering challenge, Elite is committed to supporting world-class training in our area. Again this year, Elite is the Diamond Sponsor of EMC design training through the Rock River Valley Section of the IEEE. Coming to Rockford Illinois on Tuesday, June 9th the RRVS chapter has arranged for a very accomplished industry and academic professional–and his expertise is specifically in power conversion and power electronics!

Dr. Shuo Wang is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. His industry experience includes years as a senior design engineer at GE Aviation Systems.  He has published more than one hundred IEEE journal and conference papers and holds 7 US patents. In addition, he has received awards and recognition for his work from the IEEE Power Electronics Society and the prestigious National Science CAREER Award.

The seminar will cover the basics of EMC design but focus on the techniques required for good power conversion circuitry. This is a single-day seminar so your time away from the office will be limited and the cost of the event is quite reasonable.

  • IEEE Members $125.00
  • Non-IEEE Members $150.00
  • IEEE Student Members $ 60.00

Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen the saw and raise your EMC knowledge and design skills to the next level. For more information and to register please contact Elite or visit the RRVS website.
