FAA Airport Lighting Certification with Elite

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August 24, 2020

Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc., has been officially accepted as a Third-Party Certification Body for all types of airport lighting equipment under the FAA AC 150/5345-53D Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program (ALECP). We are only the second laboratory to achieve this recognition from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and now airport lighting manufacturers have a new partner to meet their qualification testing and certification requirements.

Contact us today to get started.

After several years of effort to fulfill the strict requirements set by the FAA, the Elite FAA Airport Lighting Certification team is ready to help manufacturers complete testing and certification quickly and deliver high-quality products to airports around the country.

“Our background as a testing laboratory and certification body with diverse capabilities uniquely positioned us for ALECP. We see this as an opportunity to deliver our brand of responsive customer service, flexible scheduling, and trusted expertise to airport lighting manufacturers and help them reach more customers in the U.S. and internationally through certification,” according to Brad DeGrave, Elite’s FAA Program Administrator. “We also recognize the great responsibility entrusted to us by the FAA to ensure that dependable, compliant visual aids are available to airport operators around the country.”

Expertise in several technical disciplines is required to qualify all aspects of airport lighting equipment, as specified in the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5345 Series. With more than 80 total staff, Elite has highly experienced engineers in EMC/EMI, Electrical, Environmental Stress, Mechanical, and Photometric Testing. Elite has been a leading independent testing laboratory since 1954 and continuously accredited to ISO 17025 since 1986 for EMC/EMI and Electrical Testing, since 2001 for Environmental Stress and Mechanical Testing, and since 2018 for Photometric Testing.

But certification is more than qualification testing. Ongoing compliance with the requirements of FAA AC 150/5345-53D is necessary maintain certification and it is the Third-Party Certification Body’s role to audit manufacturers’ quality management systems and production processes. Elite’s FAA certification program is ISO 17065 accredited and we have 20 years of experience as a third-party certification body. We leveraged that experience to design an efficient, customer-focused certification program because we understand the considerable effort required by manufacturers to design, test, certify, and continuously comply with ALECP requirements.

Our goal is to be your trusted partner throughout the certification process. “Behind our extensive capabilities and credentials, we are a small company focused on building lasting relationships with our customers,” explained Brad DeGrave. Whether you already have certified products, or you are just getting started, the Elite team is ready to help you achieve your testing and certification goals.

Contact us today to learn more about adding your products to the FAA Certified Equipment and Manufacturers List (FAA AC 150/5345-53D Addendum) with Elite.

Find out more about Elite’s FAA Airport Lighting Certification program.


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