Brave for Benjamin Health Challenge & Fundraiser

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October 3, 2016

Week 4 Update
Total Distance Walked: 5,920 miles
Similar Distance:

Benjamin the Brave is a young man from Glen Ellyn, IL who is battling TCell All leukemia.  He and his family have an awesome spirit that draws people in to help hold them up when the going is tough.  Benjamin is a 7-year-old kid that was diagnosed after a visit with a suspected ear infection.  When he was at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, his mom told them that he LOVED baseball and the Chicago Cubs; they passed the word to Anthony Rizzo’s Family Foundation and they have become BFFs!

Knowing his mom through the local Jazzercise classes, Elite has taken the opportunity to have fun as a group and SUPPORT BBB.  Elite recently had a blood drive and collected 15 pints of blood; each pint helps 3 patients!  We will do this again to continue to help this young man as he gets platelets after chemo treatments.>

Elite also decided to do a fitness challenge! We have a number of employees, family, and friends tracking their steps each week.  At the end of 44 days (Anthony Rizzo’s number), there will be a winning team to split the pot of the registration fee with BBB.  We have pretty big hearts around here and think BBB will get the whole enchilada!  We have been getting additional donations along the way!

If anyone would like to contribute to our cause of helping BBB, you can send checks made out to BBB-Jennie Burke to Elaine at Elite to help with any medical expenses that insurance is not covering.  We are lucky and blessed……and so fortunate to be able to share in our community.