Elite's ISTA Certified Testing Laboratory

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July 19, 2017

For over 60 years, Elite has been a leader in product qualification testing services for automotive, aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and many other industries. Now, as an ISTA Certified Testing Laboratory, Elite can test the effectiveness of your product’s packaging to ensure it is delivered to your customers damage-free and ready to use. The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) develops and delivers consensus testing protocols that are recognized by manufacturers, shippers, and distributors to assess the performance and survivability of packaged products from your factory to your customer’s doorstep. The ISTA Test Series is tailored for various types of packaging and also covers the specific requirements of retail members, such as Amazon. For the ISTA “Transit Tested” Program, Elite is also authorized to submit test reports directly to ISTA as part of the application package.

Confirming the effectiveness of your package design is just one benefit of testing. Testing can help to optimize packaging size and weight to control cost and waste. When packaged products are not “damaged in transit”, it reduces the significant cost of repair or replacement for manufacturers. Shippers can also save costs on freight and insurance and receive expedited claim resolution if damage does occur since ISTA test results are recognized by major carriers.

Elite’s ISTA Package Testing capabilities simulate all of the main distribution hazards: Handling Drop and Impact, Transportation Vibration, Stacking Load, and Atmospheric Conditions. Our facilities can accommodate all types and sizes of packaged products, from small boxes to palletized loads and oversized crates. We also have 2 ISTA Certified Packaging Laboratory Professional Technicians on staff to plan and successfully execute your overall test program. With our product and package testing services in one location, you can streamline your supply chain and accelerate your testing schedule.

How much could you save by optimizing your package design and reducing transit damage to your products? Packaging selection is typically the final stage in the production process, so enlist Elite early to help verify that your packaging options meet the needs of your shipping department and end customers. Contact us today to start planning your packaging test program at Elite.
