President's Post: Testing the Limits

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December 11, 2020

Earlier this month Chuck Yeager passed away at the age of 97. General Yeager is memorialized as the quintessential test pilot and well known for “testing the limits”. On October 14, 1947 he was the first person to break the sound barrier by flying Mach 1.06 in an X-1 experimental rocket-powered aircraft.  At the time he had two broken ribs which he sustained from falling off a horse two days earlier.  His dedication to testing the limits of aircraft was paramount to the success of the US Space Program and the advancement of supersonic flight.

While testing at Elite is no death-defying feat, it is equally important. Testing improves the quality and reliability of manufactured products.  EMI/EMC and Environmental Stress Testing is a key factor in electronics’ development and production cycle. We at Elite take similar pride in knowing that the testing performed at our lab is essential to providing quality products to people around the world.

This year, 2020, certainly has been a challenge both professionally and personally.  The COVID-19 environment has been unparalleled to anything we have seen in recent history.  As a trusted supplier to several essential industries, Elite has remained open and COVID-19 has “tested the limits” of how we operate our test laboratory.  The ability to adapt and overcome new challenges has always been a strong part of our culture and it has been invaluable in confronting the effects of this pandemic. I am deeply proud of our entire team for showing tremendous resolve in keeping our commitments to customers, all the while keeping employees’ and customers’ safety our top priority. Technology has been our friend in that it has allowed for working from home and contact-free testing through remote video conferencing and witnessing.

From the entire Elite family to yours – wishing you a healthy, safe, and prosperous 2021,

Ray Klouda, P.E.


Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc.
