September 14, 2016
Starting this September, following us on social media—particularly LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter—will be the best way to stay interactively up-to-date with what’s going on with Elite and with the industry. We will still be sending out our monthly newsletters to recap news and events, but with the continuous changes in this business, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve, learn what’s happening, and be able to ask questions and communicate efficiently. Time is of the essence, and these social media tools we’re now utilizing present opportunities as timely as it gets:
Targeted LinkedIn Banners— Professional development and training are crucial in this field and LinkedIn is a great place to find what seminars, webinars, and expos are taking place we’ve just made them easier to find and sign up.
Facebook Live Streaming–We have a free webinar covering EMC Compliance for e/E Mark that you can access from your feed, submit questions, or just tune in for exactly the info you need. We’ll have more webinars covering relevant testing topics each quarter.
Twitter Chat Forums–With so many changing standards, new recruits, and tests to run, chat forums are an excellent way to pose technical questions and get brief, but real responses that might make the difference in your next test.
Social media has evolved beyond cat videos and friend requests to be an essential tool in furthering professional development, being in tune with a rapidly changing industry, and finding answers to pressing questions. Don’t fall behind—follow us now by clicking the icons at the bottom of the site. You’d be surprised what you’re missing out on if you delay.