Wireless Certification

FCC Now Requires Detailed Antenna Information for Transmitter Certifications

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently advised the Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) Council that any certifications issued after August 25, 2022 without proper antenna information will be dismissed.

What are the FCC antenna requirements?  

  • Part 15 applications must identify the antenna gain and show how the value was derived. The antenna manufacturer’s data sheet or a measurement of maximum antenna gain for the band of operation is acceptable. 
  • Where the gain is inherently accounted for through measurements, such as field strength on a device under FCC Rules 15.249 or 15.231, gain does not necessarily need to be separately verified. However, information regarding antenna construction shall be provided, i.e., photographs, length of wire antenna, etc.

What does this mean for manufacturers?

If the FCC issues a grant of certification referencing “conducted” power, then the maximum antenna gain is required for the band of operation, and it shall be documented in the antenna manufacturers data sheet or substantiated by measurements. Listing conducted power on the grant is typical for transmitters that are configured with an antenna port. Gain values are required for each antenna type included with the grant.

If a grant does not reference conducted power, then the antenna gain is inherently included in the transmitter radiated measurements. In this case information regarding antenna construction shall be provided, i.e., photographs, length of wire antenna, etc.

Elite’s John Peters setting up an antenna test

How can Elite help?

  • When antenna gain measurements are required, Elite has the chamber and equipment as well as the expertise to provide the necessary information. Contact Elite today to review your Antenna Performance Testing needs and how we can perform measurements of antenna gain, efficiency, and provide the 2D and 3D antenna radiation plots covering 600 MHz to 6000 MHz.

Antenna measurement example from Elite’s lab

Contact the experts at Elite with your questions on the information required for your device’s FCC application.

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Latest Update for RED Official Journal

The European Union recently published an updated edition of the Radio Equipment Official Journal.  With this edition important publications of standards include:

EN 300 113 V2.2.1         Land Mobile Radios

EN 300 219 V2.1.1         LMR Tx & specific Rx response

EN 300 296 V2.1.1         LMR analog speech

EN 300 341 V2.1.1         LMR integral ant & specific Rx response

EN 300 390 V2.1.1         LMR with integral antenna

EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1     Short Range Devices 25-1000MHz

EN 300 220-3-1 V2.1.1  SRDs   869.2-869.25MHz

EN 300 220-3-2 V1.1.1  SRDs   LDC/HR frequency bands 

EN 300 220-4 V1.1.1      SRDs   169.4-169.475MHz

EN 300 330 V2.1.1         SRDs   9kHz-25MHz

EN 302 208 V3.1.1         RFID 865-868MHz & 915-921MHz

EN 300 433 V2.1.1         CB Radios

EN 301 502 V12.5.2       GSM Base Stations

EN 301 511 V9.0.2         Mobile stations GSM 900/1800

EN 301 908-2 V11.1.1    CDMA (UTRA FDD) User Equipment

Manufacturers should review the full Official for the standards that may apply to a specific product. For more information contact Steve Laya at 630-495-9770 x 119 or sglaya@elitetest.com

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

Employee Spotlight: Nathaniel Bouchie


EMC Test Engineer

Year Started at Elite:


Areas of Expertise/Interest:

Test Automation and 3D Modeling


BS in Aerospace Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

Any unique hobbies, talents, skills, experiences, etc.: 

I volunteer with shelter cats on weekends.

Anything that customers/colleagues would find surprising about you?

I write music for piano and cello.

Proudest moment in life so far: 

Finishing my engineering degree during the pandemic.

What would you consider to be your passion outside of work? How did you get started in it? Any advice for anyone looking to try this activity?

Cycling. The trails in DuPage County are expansive and I’ll probably never explore them all. It’s important to get accurate statistics of how far you go, how many calories you burn, etc. That motivates you to keep going farther and to get more out of it.

Most rewarding/favorite aspect of working at Elite:

The opportunities to assist my colleagues with their work. The feeling of a common goal is strong.

If you had a personal motto, what would it be?

“It was like that when I got here.”

If you could be paid in something other than money, what would you choose?


Make a Better IoT Device

Elite’s Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements of TRP and TIS can improve and optimize an IoT device for range, reliability, and battery life. Here’s a brief background on how these measurements can help Make a Better IoT Device.

In many cases, engineers design their IoT radio-enabled devices relying on radio OEM data such as conducted RF power and separate data for the antenna such as passive measurements of gain, efficiency, or directivity. While this approach is the basic and necessary initial step, the downside is that using individual component data does not account for all the integration nuances and coupling interactions when the antenna is configured to the radio.

Imprecise impedance matching between the radio and the antenna or design modeling tolerances can lead to higher VSWR than expected and sap the transmitter range and the device’s battery life. There may also be coupling losses resulting from antenna placement near metal elements. In addition, close proximity of antennas near digital noise sources can degrade receiver sensitivity resulting in a penalty to the RF link budget.

A better approach for RF designers is using TRP (Total Radiated Power) and TIS (Total Isotropic Sensitivity) measurements to optimize designs.

What is TRP (Total Radiated Power)?

TRP is the transmitter metric that evaluates the radiated performance of the radio and its antennas as a combined system. The result is based on the measurement of effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) at a specified distance and from multiple discrete points around the radio/antenna, and then integrating the individual measurements to arrive at a single performance metric. TRP data provides true measured performance with all system integration influences incorporated in the final result.

In addition to transmit aspect of the radio, receiver sensitivity can also greatly affect a successful radio IoT application. Sensitivity is the minimum threshold of RF energy the receiver can detect and still successfully demodulate the transmitted information. Sensitivity values are published by the radio module OEM but they have conducted measurements at the radio port and don’t tell the whole story. The receiver sensitivity and overall performance may be further degraded by an inefficient antenna, or one placed at a sub-optimal location nearby metallic structures, or close to radio host electronics.

What is TIS (Total Isotropic Sensitivity)?

To better gage the receiver performance radiated TIS is used to evaluate the design of the radio receiver and antenna as a system. TIS is a metric that is calculated as the integral of individual receiver sensitivity measurements taken from multiple discrete points around the radio antenna system. TIS takes into account the antenna design and placement as well as the unwanted interference from transmitter and digital host spurious noise. These unwanted interference sources coupled by the antenna into the front end of the radio receiver can greatly reduce the receiver performance. TIS testing is critical to evaluate and reduce the impact of receiver desensitization.

TRP and TIS requirements are often more challenging to meet than the regulatory spurious emissions compliance limits. They are such important metrics that nearly all cellular network operators require TIS and TRP measurements as part of the operator certification process.

As a CTIA Authorized Test Lab, Elite is capable of performing carrier TRP and TIS measurements. We work with our PTCRB partners to help clients achieve the range of compliance from regulatory to carrier certifications.

Regardless if the radio applications are for cellular, Bluetooth, WiFi, or others, TRP and TIS measurements can help improve radio performance for IoT devices and help ensure a more successful application.

For more information on how Elite’s TRP and TIS testing can help your next IoT application, or to help with your carrier certification, contact our OTA specialists today to discuss how we can help.


Count on Elite to Speed Your Cellular IoT Products to Market

Cellular radio modules are fast becoming the preferred choice for Wireless IoT connectivity. They provide excellent reach, coverage, and robust security. They also come in a broad range of module capabilities and network operator plans to suit nearly every unique application. Newer ultra-low power devices ensure long life in the field and radio module pricing is very competitive against other wireless technologies.  Still, despite these many advantages cellular IoT devices need to meet certain requirements before they can deploy to the market and connect to cellular networks.

All wireless RF IoT devices need to meet regulatory rules to ensure effective use of spectrum and limit interference to other devices. Additionally, cellular modules must meet industry and network operator requirements to confirm they use the cellular network properly and efficiently.

To ease the cellular compliance process, Elite experts offer technical guidance plus all the necessary testing and compliance services. We have an extensive in-house capability for cellular testing. Plus our best-in-class partner network optimizes specialty services such as PTCRB, GCF, NRTL, CB Scheme, and design consultancy.

Elite is a CTIA Authorized Test Lab for Over-The-Air (OTA) performance testing and is qualified to perform the required TRP and TIS measurements often mandatory for cellular applications. TRP and TIS are key cellulars and WiFi performance metrics. They describe the integration effect of the radio and antenna. These tests can present challenges to designers so Elite experts assist with pre-compliance OTA testing to ensure your design is on the right path and formal certification measurements with accepted results.

Elite’s value is key for Midwest regional IoT developers who benefit from the convenience of our nearby cellular test capabilities, but we serve all clients who seek a more accessible and responsive service partner. All-in-all, Elite clients benefit from attention, expertise, and convenience while minimizing costs. 

The cellular compliance to market process can be complex so count on Elite to simplify the process for you. Contact our experts today so we can help accelerate your IoT success.

Connect with an Elite cellular expert

Attention: Check Your EN 300 328 Standard

If you are manufacturing 2.4GHz wireless-enabled products for markets in the European Union, then now is the time to confirm the version of standard EN 300 328 listed in your existing compliance reports. EN 300 328 is the European harmonized standard for 2.4GHz Wideband Transmission Systems and includes technologies such as WiFi, Zigbee, and Bluetooth. This standard is often updated to account for changes in technology and test practices.

Starting August 6, 2021, only EN 300 328 Version 2.2.2 (2019-07) will provide a presumption of conformity with the Radio Equipment Directive.

If you currently have a report that cites an earlier version of the standard (earlier than V2.2.2) then it’s likely you will require testing to bring your product compliance reports up to date. Elite can perform a “Gap Review Analysis” of your existing reports and confirm which selected test may need to be performed. In most cases, legacy EN 300 328 reports will only require new results for the Receiver Blocking test requirement in order to be current with Version 2.2.2.

Check the existing reports in your technical file and your compliance details or contact Elite to review your reports.

Contact Us to Review Your Reports


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Elite is a CTIA Authorized Test Lab

Elite is now a CTIA Authorized Test Lab (CATL)

CTIA has officially authorized Elite to perform testing on behalf of the Wi-Fi Alliance and CTIA for Over-The-Air (OTA) conformance. This testing is required by participating cellular operators before a cellular-enabled device can utilize their networks.

  • Quick Turn-Around Results
  • Cellular Expertise
  • State-of-the-Art OTA Facilities
  • CTIA Authorized, Carrier Accepted

The primary tests performed in Elite’s OTA chamber are Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS).  These measurements provide the data that network operators like AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and others require before a cellular module can connect to their network.

Additional cellular operator measurements may include radiated spurious emissions, SIM electrical, converged device de-sense, interoperability and field test.

For products with cellular transceiver modules, CTIA OTA testing is an important final step before the product can reach the market.  For first-time cellular radio module integrators the requirements for TRP and TIS can be challenging. To ensure successful integration, Elite engineers work with clients from the early stages of product development to successfully complete OTA testing.

Contact us today for more information on Elite’s CATL laboratory services and other regulatory compliance testing.

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Partner Spotlight: Global Validity

Introducing Global Validity

The New Standard for Global Wireless Certifications

Accompanying the rapid growth of wirelessly connected devices is the increased complexity of regulations surrounding their testing and certification. Ever-evolving technology, non-harmonized global test standards, as well as unique country-to-country certification schemes create significant challenges and obstacles for manufacturers bringing new devices to market. Now there is a solution. 

To soften the burden of global compliance, Elite has teamed with Global Validity to bring its clients a new standard in wireless certification. Global Validity (GV) is a cloud-based compliance management tool that enables efficient and cost-effective certification services.

By connecting Elite’s customer-oriented test and certification know-how to the GV certification platform, manufacturers have access to best-in-class regulatory services for North America, Europe, and now for countries in every corner of the world.

The GV platform is an intuitively easy-to-use DIY certification management system to process global certifications directly. Certification requests, project management, and renewals are quick and easy. Alternatively for those who prefer support from Elite experts, our staff can utilize the GV platform on the client’s behalf enabling them to focus on development processes rather than certification management.

The advantages of the GV platform are immediately recognizable. First, GV puts clients in direct contact with in-country suppliers and compliance experts. The suppliers on the GV portal have the most current up-to-date knowledge of country-specific requirements and respond quickly to unique inquiries with qualified expertise.

The GV compliance portal manages, tracks, and reports the status of the certification process from start to finish, providing users with end-to-end transparency. Project information is always accessible wherever manufacturing teams are located and it enables compliance specialists and managers to track progress and take quick action as needed to reduce any impact on schedule or completion.

GV also provides a secure repository for regulatory documents as well as granted certificates. This certification lifecycle management tool provides alerts well in advance of expiration dates to allow ample time for certificate renewals. This one platform provides centralized storage of all project information, all client products, and for all countries.

There is no upfront cost for using the DIY platform. The best way to evaluate the utility of the GV platform is an online 30-minute demonstration of the tool. Contact Elite for more information on how to put this new process in place for your organization.

Elite Employee Spotlight: Kameron Stephens

Elite Employee Spotlight: Kameron Stephens

Title: Photometric Test Engineer 

Year Started at Elite: 2019

Areas of Expertise/Interest: Photometric Testing, ENV Testing, Electrical Engineering, etc.

Education: B.S. Electrical Engineering

Any unique hobbies, talents, skills, experiences, etc.: Well let’s see… I like to go skateboarding, guitar playing, song writing,  dancing, recording music and practicing art

How did you get into testing? Background in Photometric Testing and Environmental Testing

Proudest moment in life so far: Acknowledging my own self-awareness. Acknowledging the present moment.

What would you consider to be your passion outside of work? How did you get started in it? Any advice for anyone looking to try this activity? One of my greatest passions is music. I always loved music partly because I grew up in such a musical atmosphere(family/friends). There’s nothing to it, but to do it. I definitely recommend everyone to start playing music, its beneficial in many ways.

Most rewarding/favorite aspect of working at Elite: Being a student to my career. Elite always keeps me learning.

If you had a personal motto, what would it be? I am a Divine Being. Purity, Peace & Love is my nature. I accept all as they are. We are all one.

If you could be paid in something other than money, what would you choose? Land

To learn more about all team members at Elite, visit https://www.elitetest.com/about-us/meet-our-staff.

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New CMW500s Make the Connection for Wireless Devices

With many more products incorporating cellular radios, it’s become essential for Elite to have the very best equipment in place to enable wireless connectivity for items under test.  This is especially true for those devices that integrate cellular modular radios.  To support this growing need, Elite has put in place three CMW500 Radio Communication cellular base station emulators from Rohde & Schwarz.

Elite’s CMW500s are in constant use around the lab to support all types of Automotive EMCCommercial EMC, and Antenna Over-The-Air (OTA) Performance test requirements:

1) Quick and Reliable Cellular Calls.  Test items that incorporate cellular radios typically have to be evaluated while having a live cellular communication link. In the past, the cell links were simply made as an over-the-air connection to a local AT&T, Verizon, etc. tower, but these connections were not always reliable and required the configuration of the phone and software for this specific purpose. In addition, because test items are often in shielded enclosures or due to the type of testing performed, the remote cell call link was not as stable as was needed to run a compliance test. 

By using the CMW500 instead of linking to an actual cell tower, the cellular channel configuration can be precisely controlled. Elite engineers can select the uplink and downlink frequency bands, transmit power levels, and optimize the positioning of the base emulator antenna in proximity to the test item.

2) Immunity Testing Requires Cellular Bit Error Rate Pass/Fail Monitoring.  Some regulatory harmonized standards require not only a cellular link but also specify pass/fail criteria for device performance. An example is EN 301 489-52 which is the cellular user equipment EMC standard for the European CE Mark Radio Equipment Directive. This standard specifies that the channel throughput shall not degrade more than by a 5% Bit Error Rate (BER or BLER) during immunity testing.  The only reliable means to configure this test and measure the BER/BLER metric is with a base station emulator like the CMW500.
3) Cellular Channel & Power Level Configuration for Emissions Verification. New FCC requirements state that cell modular radios integrated into a digital host must be measured for spurious emissions at specified frequencies and in a particular mode, ie WCDMA, LTE, etc.  Cellular AT commands are certainly one means to configure the radio, but the CMW500 is by far the most efficient and reliable means to enable the cell call to a designated frequency and operating condition. The requirement for verification of spurious emissions and intermodulation products is stated in FCC Guidance Document for Modular Transmitters (KDB 996369 D04) and in the ETSI Integration Guide EN 203 367. The CMW500 is used in these applications to configure the modular cell radio for the mode required for testing.

4) Other uses for the CMW500 are to provide the paired transmitted signal during receiver blocking tests.  Receiver blocking requires a properly formatted signal to be sent to the test item receiver while an interfering signal on an adjacent frequency is combined at the test item receiver input port.   For receiver blocking tests such as in EN 300 328 or EN 301 908, the CMW500 is an ideal source for a very stable and reliable paired signal.  

For cellular boosters certification applications, a cell-modulated signal is required as part of the certification testing suite.  The CMW500 is available to generate the necessary cellular modulations and apply the signal at the required power level.

5) Besides cellular signals, the CMW500 also provides WiFi access point emulation and is a Bluetooth emulator as well.  

If your product incorporates a cellular wireless device (or WiFi and Bluetooth), then contact Elite today to learn more about using a CMW500 for a reliable and easily configurable cellular link.

Employee Spotlight: John Peters Joins Elite’s Midwest Wireless Test Center

Elite is proud to welcome John Peters as the latest addition to our team of wireless test experts.  John has over 20-year experience and is a seasoned RF engineer with knowledge of wireless devices, antenna measurements, and Over-The-Air (OTA) Performance laboratory operations. John’s contributions at Elite have been immediate in helping fast-track our CTIA CATL lab certification and moving Elite’s Midwest Wireless Test Center closer to 100% operations.

John comes to Elite by way of The Howland Company, where he was instrumental in the deployment and commissioning of OTA chambers for key Howland clients. Before that John spent 18 years with Motorola Mobility as an OTA lab engineer and specialist completing testing and configuring test equipment to achieve CTIA Approved Test Lab (CATL) status.

We asked John about his professional journey as an RF engineer and his views about his role and vision for Elite.

Q:  You’re one of the many proud Motorola alumni here in the Chicago area. How did your Moto experience shape you as a professional?

I joined Motorola’s Antenna Research group in the cellular division and my first project was to help develop their original OTA chambers and associated measurements tools.  The group was led at the time by Jim Phillips who was a great mentor, plus the engineers that worked under him were the best in the business, not only in cellular antenna development, but designing measurement tools to support that effort.  I was fortunate to be a part of that group and to have worked for Motorola at that time.

Q: How have you seen wireless and cellular technology evolve over time? 

Analog was the cellular technology when I started and cellphones only needed to support one or two frequency bands. Digital was just starting to take off, but since then the evolution in complexity has mushroomed.  Phones now need to support a long list of frequency bands with many antennas and matching networks all trying to coexist on a small PCB with multiple cameras, sensors, and connectors.

Even after being involved with this technology as long as I have, I continue to be amazed at how it all comes together in such as small package while still meeting the carrier RF requirements. It’s also pretty exciting to see Elite clients incorporate this advanced technology in their products. I look forward to having a front-row seat to watch the entire Internet of Things unfold as Elite tests new M2M modules for all kinds of cellular applications.

Q: What has been the biggest challenge in dealing with the changes you have encountered with technology?

In my career, the question has always been what’s needed to reliably test new cellular technologies, even before the standards are fully developed and released.   Back when I started at Motorola, we used to build our own measurement tools for the next-generation cellular equipment. Not many mobile manufacturers do that today but some of the test equipment manufacturers and chip OEMs have taken the lead in that effort. It’s a constant challenge to learn about these new technologies and become familiar with new test plans, to verifying the test methods, and confirm the accuracy of measurements. 

Q:  Now that you have been with Elite for 6 months, what have you come to learn about your new company that you did not previously know?

The people here are great.  I’ve enjoyed being a part of the Wireless testing group and assimilating into the larger Elite family.   On the test and measurement side, it’s nice to work for a smaller company because we’re very nimble and can get things accomplished without bureaucracy slowing our efficiency.   It’s also great to be a part of a forward-looking company willing to invest in the future. That part of Elite reminds me of the early Motorola.

Oh and on the culinary side… I only need to bring lunch a couple of days a week because it seems there’s a birthday cake in the lunch room every other day…haha.

Q:  How do you see Elite changing now that you are here?

I recognize my new “Elite family” is relying on me and our Wireless team to move quickly to get our OTA services CTIA certified.  I like the fact that I can apply my technical experience to contribute in an immediate way.   Once our CTIA certification is in place, I hope to mentor my Wireless team colleagues on OTA testing so we can leverage our collective capabilities.   

Q: Outside of your career here at Elite, what keeps you busy?

Well, family for sure. I’m the proud father of two daughters and I really enjoy the time I spend with my kids and wife. I’m a big car guy too so you can usually find me in my garage working on one of my projects. I also seem to always have a lengthy “honey-do” list. 

I like to support my wife and daughter with their participation in an organization called Horsepower Therapeutic Riding. They volunteer to help children and adults with disabilities experience horseback riding. It’s a great program and really rewarding for the riders and volunteers alike. It’s definitely a good vibe to be around this group. If you’re interested here’s a link to read a bit more about the great things they do.

Labels: Employee Spotlight

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Is Your Tech Gift FCC Compliant?

Everyone loves getting new gadgets during the holiday season and the Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding with more connected devices available than ever before. “Smart Home” devices such as thermostats, light bulbs, and doorbells, are especially popular as gifts and they can deliver many benefits from energy efficiency to home security.

Since all of these devices incorporate wireless communication over WiFi or 4G LTE cellular networks, it is important to check that each device complies with applicable U.S. FCC requirements to safeguard against harmful radio frequency interference between all of your devices. Canada and Europe employ similar regulations through their ISED and CE Marking processes, respectively. It is the device manufacturer’s responsibility to test their products against FCC regulations and complete the certification process with an FCC-approved Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) like Elite.

Before you buy that new IoT gadget, be sure to review the label for FCC certification:

  1. All FCC-certified transmitters are required to have an FCC Identifier (FCC ID) which includes the “grantee code” assigned by the FCC and a unique product code assigned by the manufacturer.
  2. A label that states the FCC ID, company name and compliance statement must be included on all devices. It must be visible to the user at the time of purchase or first use. Displaying the FCC logo is optional.
  3. For small devices, the label may be placed in the user manual rather than on the outside of the device. Devices with electronic displays can also present an “e-label” in place of a physical label.
  4. Validate the certification by using the FCC ID Search tool. If the FCC ID is not listed in the database, the device may be counterfeit or falsely claim compliance with FCC regulations.

With these simple steps, you can be confident that your new gadget will not interfere with your other devices or malfunction as a result of outside interference.

Wireless and IoT device manufacturers rely on Elite to help navigate regulations, test for compliance, and complete certifications in one location. Contact us today to start the certification process for your next gadget.

Check out our eBooks on FCC Certification and CE Marking for additional guidance on global wireless testing and certification.


EBook: Guide to FCC Certification For Part 15 Low Power Wireless Transmitters

To help avoid radio interference, Wireless, and IoT technology have evolved using signal spreading, coding, filtering, diversity, and agile channel selection methods. Government regulations have also evolved to ensure wireless devices can use the radio frequency spectrum in an efficient and equitable manner. This guide outlines the process for device certification for commercial products that require FCC Certification.

Everything You Need to Know About Part 15 Low Power Wireless Transmitters & FCC Certification

This e-book provides information on:

  • An overview of the radio frequency spectrum and the FCC’s role in managing it                                                   
  • Wireless and IoT transmitter certification steps and process
  • Overview and summary of wireless transmitter rules and requirements
  • Information on product technical exhibits

​Readers will also learn how to apply that knowledge to:

  • Prepare your Wireless/IoT device for testing
  • Expedite the FCC certification process
  • Increase the likelihood of your Wireless/IoT device being certified and approved

Download Everything You Need to Know About Part 15 Low Power Wireless Transmitters & FCC Certification

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Elite’s New CTIA-Compliant Wireless Test Chamber Is On-Line

Elite is proud to announce the addition of our new CTIA-compliant antenna test chamber at the core of our Midwest Wireless Test Center. With this new capability, Elite RF engineers can perform Over the Air (OTA) measurements of Total Radiated Power (TRP), Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS), and Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI).

These measurements are key performance tests for cellular, WiFi, and other wireless transmitter systems. In addition, the chamber and instruments are configured to measure antenna gain with 2D and 3D graphic renderings along with S-Parameters, Efficiency, and Directivity.

Download Elite’s Guide to Antenna Tests and OTA Measurements

The chamber is fully equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology from Rohde & Schwarz and our system configuration is optimized for measurement accuracy and speed. Elite selected the R&S TS8991 OTA Performance Test System with a 1.4m range length and test range from 400MHz to 6GHz.

Also, joining Elite to head up this new antenna and wireless testing capability is Firass Badaruzzaman. Firass comes to Elite with years of experience in the cellular industry with Motorola, RIM, and Wistron. Elite has assembled all the pieces to provide end-to-end conformity assessment services including regulatory compliance, network operator requirements, as well as design and development assistance.

Elite’s team is ready to collaborate with your engineers to optimize wireless performance and achieve regulatory compliance for your product – stay tuned for more updates regarding our wireless testing capabilities.

Contact us today to learn more about our full spectrum of wireless product development services in one location, including antenna design, testing, and complete regulatory compliance. 


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Elite’s New Wireless Testing Capabilities

Elite is expanding in a significant way to bring enhanced wireless testing services to manufacturers who are integrating wireless connectivity with their products. Our new Wireless and Antenna Testing capabilities include a fully-anechoic CTIA-compliant chamber that will measure the Over-The-Air (OTA) performance of cellular, WiFi, and Bluetooth transceivers. Download our “Guide to Antenna and OTA Measurements” for everything you need to know about key antenna performance metrics.

Why does a manufacturer need to test in a CTIA-compliant OTA chamber? 

Here are a few ways this new resource can help make a better wireless or IoT product:

First of all, in order to have a good wireless device, you need a good antenna. If your antenna is not designed efficiently then the transmitter has to deliver higher power to the antenna terminals to achieve the range and distance for the application. Driving the transmitter at higher power means more draw on the system power supply which in turn increases the heating of components and reduces the battery life for portable devices. With Elite’s new OTA chamber, engineers can easily visualize the antenna radiation in 3D and then design antenna elements and placement within the end product to achieve optimal performance. 

A wireless device’s receiver relies on the antenna to capture very weak RF radiated signals and then convert them into voltages at the receiver front end. Improperly placing the antenna in a manner that couples noise to the receiver will dampen the receiver sensitivity and negatively impact wireless communications. Elite’s OTA chamber provides the tools to optimize the placement of the antenna relative to the enclosure and the supporting digital circuitry to maximize the receiver’s sensitivity. Highly sensitive receivers extend the transmission ranges, enable higher data throughput, and provide greater communication reliability. 

The Elite OTA chamber is also used to evaluate Total Radiated Power (TRP), Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS), and Relative Sensitivity on Intermediate Channels (RSIC). These measurements are key performance metrics for cellular industry network operators such as ATT, T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon. With this new fully-anechoic antenna chamber, Elite clients integrating cellular radios can save time and cost by testing their devices in advance of formal compliance at a certified CATL Lab.

Contact us today to learn more about our new Wireless EMC and Antenna Testing capabilities that can help optimize your antenna performance.

Stay tuned for more as we install our OTA chamber and bring together our design, test, and regulatory specialists to provide complete wireless compliance services in one location.


Radio Equipment Directive – Deadline June 13th!

The compliance deadline for the European Union’s Radio Equipment Directive (RE-D) 2014/53/EU is June 13th, 2017.  After this date, all wireless communications transmitters and receivers being placed on the European market must be compliant with the RE-D.   Products that have been previously assessed to the R&TTE Directive 199/5/EC and continue to be placed on the market must meet the RE Directive.   

Contact Elite today and review the RE-D compliance steps for your product.  Steve Laya, 630-495-9770 x 119 or Dan Crowder at 630-495-9770 x 101.

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RE-D)

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Elite Notified Body Designation for Radio Equipment Directive (RE-D)

Elite Electronic Engineering is now a Notified Body for the European Union Radio Equipment Directive. With this credential, Elite regulatory experts can review a manufacturer’s technical documentation and then issue a type approval certificate to support a declaration of compliance for wireless products marketed in Europe.

A notified body assessment and type certificate are generally required for a wireless device conformity assessment when a harmonized spectrum standard (Article 3.2 or 3.3) for the device is not published in the Official Journal of the European Union. 

For more information on Elite’s Radio Equipment Directive (RE-D) notified body type approval services contact Steve Laya, at 630-495-9770 x 119 or Dan Crowder at 630-495-9770 x 101.

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

EBook: Guide to CE Marking & RE Directives for Low-Power Wireless Transmitters

The CE Mark is a label placed on manufactured goods declaring their compliance with essential health and safety requirements for European citizens. Likewise, the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) is the compliance requirement in Europe for wireless transmitters. These two labels—and the regulatory infrastructure behind them—comprise the product conformity laws for the 28 European Union nations along with the EFTA countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway and are adopted by Switzerland and Turkey through separate trade agreements.

Everything You Need to Know About the CE Mark & RE Directive

This e-book provides information on:

  • An overview of tests for output power, spurious emissions, transmitter and receiver functions, bandwidth usage, and adaptivity
  • Testing for EMC
  • Tests/Analysis for Electrical Safety
  • How to receive the Declaration of Conformity
  • Overview on transitioning to the RED

Download Guide to CE Marking & RE Directives for Low-Power Wireless Transmitters

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Updated RED Official Journal Released

An updated version of the Radio Equipment Official Journal has just been published. Manufacturers should review this new list to review the latest revision for the harmonized standards to apply for a European transmitter/receiver conformity assessment.   Recall that manufacturers can self-declare compliance with the RE-D if they apply a harmonized standard in full for their assessment. When a harmonized standard is not applied in full then manufacturers should apply other conformity assessment modules, for example, Module B Type-Examination.

First publications of standards include:

  • EN 300 422-1 V2.1.2   Wireless Microphones
  • EN 301 166 V2.1.1    Land Mobile Radios
  • EN 301 908-11 V11.1.2  CDMA UTRA FDD Repeaters
  • EN 301 908-15 V11.1.2  E-UTRA FDD Repeaters

For more information contact Steve Laya at 630-495-9770 x 119 or email

Click here to view the updated journal

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

Act NOW – 10 Steps for RED Compliance

With the deadline for compliance with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) coming on June 13th, 2017, manufacturers of wireless transmitters should be preparing their CE Marking conformity assessment files now to reflect the requirements in the RED.

Here’s a quick summary of steps to take to ensure your continuing compliance:

1. Determine if your product falls within the scope of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

If your product includes broadcast receivers such as FM or TV tuners then you will now need to comply with the Radio Equipment Directive. Remember that all products under the scope of the RED, including FM or TV tuners, will need to comply with requirements for Effective Use of Spectrum along with EMC and Low Voltage Directive essential requirements, with no voltage limit applying. Line-connected Telephone Terminal Equipment is now in the EMC Directive.

Marine, aerospace, and military radio and receiver applications may not fall under the RED but check your specific application to confirm which directives apply.

Also, products that have traditionally been only required to meet the EMC, LVD, or MSD directives which now include a modular wireless device will fall under the RED. 

2. Identify the harmonized standards that apply to your device.

Review the Radio Equipment Directive Official Journal for updates on the suitable harmonized standards to apply. Most radio transmitter standards can be downloaded from www.ETSI.org.

3. Determine if newly published standards have additional requirements and address gaps in compliance.

If the harmonized standard for your device does not appear in the OJ, then review the Work Program for an approximate publish date. Based on this information a manufacturer can determine if a harmonized standard can be applied for a self-declaration or if the conformity assessment will need to be a type of approval.

4. Confirm that you have addressed EMC essential requirements.

In addition to RED EMC standards such as EN 301 489, you may also need to apply application-specific standards, such as EN 61326, EN 13308, or others. Review the EMC Directive Official Journal for applicable standards.

5. Confirm that you have addressed LVD essential requirements including RF hazards.

The LVD harmonized standard should be applied to assess electrical safety essential requirements. Commonly applied standards include EN 60950-1 for ITE and transmitters as well as EN 61010-1 for instrumentation and controls. Also, manufacturers need to comply with RF hazard requirements such as EN 62311 or others applicable to the product and application. Review the LVD Official Journal for applicable standards.

6. Ensure all labeling and traceability requirements are met.

One of the more significant changes to the RED is to include product traceability requirements. This means that manufacturers will need to include a model, batch, or serial number on their products and note it on their Declaration of Conformity.

7. List any restrictions for use or authorization requirements.

If the use of the wireless device comes with restrictions or if the device is required to be operated with a license, then it is necessary to notify end users appropriately with a pictogram label and other instructions. Review the Elite Blog on notification for RED restrictions or authorized use.

8. Review and update your Declaration of Conformity (DoC).

Update your Declaration of Conformity so it accurately reflects all the directives that apply and references the harmonized standards that were used to provide the presumption of conformity.  

9. Create or update your Technical File.

Manufacturers are required to maintain a technical file for 10 years after the product was placed in the European market. Review Annex V of the directive for the scope of information required to be included in a technical file. 

We recommend that wireless device manufacturers who incorporate “radio modules” in their products that have the Article 3.2 Effective Use of Spectrum testing performed by the radio module OEM, request a copy of the actual compliance report from the module OEM and include it in their technical file. 

10. Self-Declare or Type-Approval

If a harmonized standard is published in the RED Official Journal and that standard is used to demonstrate compliance with the RED then a manufacturer or importer can self-declare compliance with the RED – see Annex II.

However, if a manufacturer does not apply a RED harmonized standard in full then the self-declaration process is not suitable and the conformity assessment options are Type-Approval certificate as described in Annex III of the Directive, or the Annex IV full quality assurance process.

For more information on these steps or the RED compliance process, contact Steve Laya or Dan Crowder at Elite.

Steve Laya 630-495-9770 x 119

Dan Crowder 630-495-9770 x 101

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

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Know Your RED Harmonized Standards Publish Dates

Manufacturers of wireless transmitters and receivers must comply with Radio Equipment Directive (RED) by June 13th, 2017. After that date, the R&TTE Directive will no longer apply. A manufacturer can presume conformity with the RED if they apply harmonized standards in full. A list of harmonized standards is published in the Official Journal (OJ) for the RED and new standards are regularly being added to the OJ.

But the list of harmonized standards published in the RED OJ is presently significantly incomplete. So how do manufacturers know when the standards that apply to their products will be available for their conformity assessment?

To help anticipate publish dates for RED standards, the European Commission has made available a Work Program summary that lists the various standards under consideration for the OJ and their approximate publish dates.

Manufacturers are encouraged to review this list and the RED OJ on a regular basis. If the standards that apply to their products are published or are going to be published in the OJ by the June 13th, 2017 RED deadline date, then they would be able to issue a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) and self-declare compliance with the RED. This process is described in Annex II of the RED and is called Conformity Assessment Module A Internal Production Control.

However, if the harmonized standards applicable to their products are not published and are not scheduled to be published by June 13th, 2017 then Annex III of the Directive can be used as the conformity assessment. This process is an EU-Type examination based on internal production control and will require a Notified Body for the RED to review the technical file and issue a type examination certificate.

Radio Equipment Directive Official Journal

All Active Work Items For Directive ‘2014/53/EU’

For more information on this process, contact Steve Laya or Dan Crowder at Elite.

Steve Laya 630-495-9770 x 119

Dan Crowder 630-495-9770 x 101

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

RED Notification Procedure

The European Union has released a draft implementing act for labeling radio equipment having service restrictions and for equipment requiring authorization (licensing). The draft was just recently issued and manufacturers have 60 days to respond with their input on the policy before the comments period ends on March 16th, 2017, after which the act will go into force.  

The label notification applies only to radio equipment that is subject to restrictions or licensing in at least one EU Member State. The notification format is a table pictogram having the abbreviations for the Member States where any restrictions or authorization requirements apply. The design includes a booklet alert sign intended to communicate to the end user the need to read the manual to review the device restrictions before use.

For most low-power wireless devices manufacturers can apply harmonized standards to comply with the Radio Equipment Directive. These harmonized standards specify the technical requirements including permitted frequency ranges, transmit power levels, and receiver operations. However, manufacturers still need to determine if any specific market or application restrictions exist for their product’s end use.

Transmitter restrictions for low-power devices can be found in ERC Recommendation 70 03. For example, Radio Microphones, Assistive Listening Devices, and Audio Multimedia Streaming System Annex 10 outlines allowable frequency bands, restrictions, and licensing. Radio Microphones operating at 1492-1518MHz are required to apply for an individual license and are restricted to indoor applications.

If you have a transmitter that you believe may have restrictions or license obligations, contact Elite for a review of your device application.

Contact Steve Laya at 630-495-9770 x 119. 

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

EN 300 328 Now Published in OJ

The long-awaited RED version of EN 300 328 has now been published in the Official Journal for the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.  This standard covers wideband transmission systems operating in the 2.4GHz band such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, and WiFi.

The new version of EN 300 328 is V2.1.1 (2016-11) and includes a few key updates that manufacturers need to address in order to apply the harmonized standard in full.

The major changes to EN 300 328 are:

  • Inclusion of Receiver Blocking as a new requirement.
  • Inclusion of an alternative test method for Power Spectral Density.
  • Reduction of minimum number for hopping frequencies for non-adaptive FHSS equipment.

If your existing Declaration of Conformity (DoC) identifies a version of EN 300 328 earlier than V2.1.1 then you may need to update your report documentation and DoC reference.   

In particular, previous versions of EN 300 328 exempted Receiver Blocking for non-adaptive equipment or adaptive equipment operating in a non-adaptive mode, as well as for equipment with a maximum declared RF Output power level of less than 10 dBm e.i.r.p.   This means that many Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitters will need to be tested for Receiver Blocking compliance.

Manufacturers can send their current DoC to Elite for a review of the specification reference and from the analysis, we can determine if any gaps exist between the current required harmonized standards and the standards referenced on the DoC.

Contact Steve Laya or Dan Crowder for more information.

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

2.4GHz Radio Standard Update Published

EN 300 328 is the European harmonized standard and compliance requirement for wideband transmission systems operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band. This is the compliance standard for products like WiFi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee transmitters that operate in the 2.4GHz band. The latest revision of the standard “V2.1.1” was released as a published ETSI standard and is available for manufacturers to use for their conformity assessment. 

Some of the changes in the new revision include the inclusion of “Receiver Blocking” as a test and requirement. There are also changes to the minimum number of hopping frequencies for non-adaptive FHSS systems. The update also provides an alternative test method for measuring Power Spectral Density. A copy of the new standard is available on the ETSI website.

Download the new standard here (pdf)

Note that this standard is not yet published in the RE Directive Official Journal but we anticipate it will be soon.

Labels: 2.4GHz Radio Standard

CMW 500 Radio Communications Tester

As part of our commitment to wireless device testing, Elite has recently acquired a Rohde & Schwarz CMW500 communications tester. This instrument is essential for testing cellular, WiFi, and GNSS-enabled products.  Its purpose is to establish the RF communications link and monitor the transmitter/receiver performance.

This instrument will support Elite testing services in three areas:

1) Elite can now provide a live RF link to support communications evaluation during EMC and environmental stress testing.  Many of the products tested at Elite now incorporate a cellular or WiFi radio and often times a communication link has to be established and monitored during the test.  With this instrument, Elite engineers can communicate with the client’s radio and monitor attributes such as block errors, packet errors, or others.  By providing a CMW500 right here at Elite we can test products having cellular communications or other services without the client having to ship their tester.

2) CE Mark Immunity Testing.  The R&TTE (and RED) harmonized standards such as EN 301 489-7 and EN 301 489-24 specify BER and throughput performance criteria to evaluate immunity compliance.  With the CMW500 we will be able to set up the cellular (or WiFi) communication channel and monitor performance live and thereby evaluate pass/fail criteria.  Having this equipment in-house will enable Elite to provide a comprehensive and, where required, a more appropriate assessment of CE Mark compliance.

3) Pre-compliance TRP/TIS Measurements. Certainly for PTCRB/GCF services Elite relies on the expertise of our partner 7Layers to get Verizon, ATT, Sprint, and global network operator acceptance.   But at Elite we can now help clients locally by offering PTCRB pre-compliance services.  Using our CMW500 and a 3D chamber we can measure TIS receiver sensitivity (or TRP) so that final compliance at 7Layers will proceed with greater confidence.   

For more information on the CMW500 Communications Tester view the YouTube presentation from Rohde & Schwarz for a description of the basic LTE features for this instrument.  Contact Steve Laya at Elite for more information on the other cellular, WiFi, or GNSS capabilities and configuration of our CMW500.  

Steve Laya,  630-495-9770 x 119


Check out this quick video explaining how the instrument works

Labels: Radio Communications Tester

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Official Journals for R&TTE, RED, EMCD, and LVD

The following links connect to the current Official Journals for R&TTE, RED, EMCD, and LVD:

RED     2014-53-EU – Harmonized Standards – C 416/5 – 11 November 2016

R&TTE  1999-5-EC – Harmonized Standards – C 249 – 8 July 2016 (PDF)

EMCD    2014-30-EC -Harmonized Standards – C 293/29 – 12 August 2016 (PDF)

LVD       2014-35-EU – Harmonized Standards – C 249 – 8 July 2016


Important News Regarding 5GHz Wi-Fi, EN 301 893 & RED CE Mark Conformity Assessment

By Steve Laya, Elite Electronic Engineering

We regularly receive important information from NIST, our liaison to Europe for CE Marking conformity assessment.  Recently we were informed that the harmonized standard for Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) 5GHz WiFi will be significantly delayed for release.  The publish date of EN 301 893 in the new Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)will not occur until after the June 12th 2017 transition date for the RED. 

NIST is advising Notified Bodies such as Elite to anticipate the need from device manufacturers for type approval services covering 5GHz WiFi and to follow up and participate in ongoing standards updates to EN 301 893.

The Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU becomes mandatory as of June 13, 2017.  Products placed on the EU market as of that date must meet the RED.  [The R&TTE Directive can then no longer be used.]    

When a manufacturer assessed compliance of radio equipment under the essential requirements of RED Articles 3.2 and 3.3 and harmonized standards are (a) applied only in part, (2) available but not applied, or (3) are not available – it is mandatory for that manufacturer to use a Notified Body (per RED Article 17.4).  

Because of technology advancements associated with LTE-LAA, the development of the technical standard for assessing compliance per EN 301 893 is still in development and waiting for approval.   

Note: For a brief description of the issues behind LTE-LAA see the webpage section on Wikipedia regarding “Controversy”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTE_in_unlicensed_spectrum).

The ETSI BRAN standards development working group is confirming that the revisions to the current version of EN 301 893 will not be ready in time to be placed in the OJEU (as a harmonized standard for the RED), and therefore manufacturers will be required to use a Notified Body for the type of equipment falling under this standard (Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN); 5 GHz high-performance RLAN) for a period of time until the document is finalized and becomes a harmonized standard.  As such, there may be a high demand for NB involvement during a period of time. 

The ETSI BRAN is also reaching out to the Notified Body community to advise them that the document will not be completed, to increase the level of understanding of changes being made (with emphasis on the addition of a new complex sharing mechanism test methodology to address new technologies),   and to provide contact information for those that want to become involved.     

In order to be prepared for this [high NB] demand, and because of the complexity of the new sharing mechanism, Notified Bodies are requested to follow up with, or participate in the work, ongoing in ETSI BRAN to become familiar with these major changes in EN 301 893.

Elite is presently a Notified Body for the R&TTE Directive and is actively working to complete its submittal processes for status as a Notified Body for the RE Directive.  We will keep clients posted on our progress toward this credential.

Link to the attached document from the REDCA for more detail on the status of EN 301 893.   ETSI Status on EN 301 893

Contact Steve Laya for more information on the changing status of this harmonized standard as well as for other European wireless regulations.

Steve Laya
Elite Electronic Engineering
630-495-9770 x 119

Not So Fast, RED

On June 12, 2016, a one-year transition period began for manufacturers of radio equipment to update their European Union compliance files from conformity with the R&TTE Directive to the new Radio Equipment Directive (RED). After June 13, 2017, all radio transmitters and receivers will need to comply with the RED. But before you rush into compliance with the RED you may want to wait a while and perhaps until after January 2017 to do so.  

As of August 8, 2016, only four harmonized standards have been published in the Official Journal for the new Radio Equipment Directive, and compliance by self-declaration to the RED is only allowed if a harmonized standard, i.e. one is published in the Official Journal (OJ), is applied in full. Otherwise, a radio device manufacturer has to apply alternate conformity assessment processes such as type approval by a notified body. But this approach may be problematic too since there are only a few notified bodies that have been officially recognized to date.

A full suite of harmonized standards was planned to be published in the RED OJ by the start of the transition date in June 2016.  But because there are several significant updates to standards the process to reach a consensus on regulations for new wireless technology has taken much longer than anticipated. The European Commission has announced that it is planning to release RED OJ updates on a more regular basis, but it’s likely we will not see an OJ that includes the more common standards such as EN 300 328, EN 300 220, or EN 301 489 until the end of 2016.

That means that manufacturers of products that are currently assessed under the R&TTE Directive will need to maintain their existing compliance file a bit longer and perhaps up to June 2017. Manufacturers of new transmitter equipment will need to comply with the R&TTE if there is not an applicable standard published in the OJ for the RED.

Elite will keep you posted on the latest updates as we hear of them. Watch for our upcoming newsletters.


Restrictions for Wireless Transmitters

The European Commission is finalizing specifications for the labeling on products that will indicate when a transmitter is restricted for use in certain countries. Since the RF spectrum in Europe is not fully harmonized, manufacturers of wireless transmitters must be aware of any unique country restrictions or special limitations for operations. Limitations for use of a transmitter may include operating on unauthorized frequency bands, output power levers that are lower than other EU countries, or shorter transmit duty cycles.

Only the Member States where a restriction exists will be identified on the label. The restriction itself does not have to go on the package but should be noted in the instruction manual. The label and its indication of a possible restriction are meant for the users that buy the product.

The final release of the implementing act specifying the use of this pictogram will come later in 2017. Elite will keep you posted on any updates or official release of the new regulation.


Official Journals for R&TTE, RED, EMCD, and LVD

The following links connect to the current Official Journals for R&TTE, RED, EMCD, and LVD:

RED     2014-53-EU – Harmonized Standards – C 249 – 8 July 2016

R&TTE  1999-5-EC – Harmonized Standards – C 249 – 8 July 2016 (PDF)

EMCD    2014-30-EC -Harmonized Standards – C 173 – 13 May 2016

LVD       2014-35-EU – Harmonized Standards – C 249 – 8 July 2016


Prepare for the Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) June 13th, 2016

The new Radio Equipment Directive (RED) begins its transition on June 13th, 2016. Manufacturers can continue listing compliance with the R&TTE until June 13 2017 and can still reference harmonized standards for the R&TTE until this date. However, all new radio equipment will need to comply with the RED after June 13, 2017.

Download the European Commission explanation on transition dates

The technical requirements for radio transmitters will continue to be defined through harmonized EN standards and for the most part, the standards will not significantly change strictly as a result of the transition. However, wireless harmonized standards are regularly updated as they evolve for new technology. Looking forward, wireless manufacturers should expect new test requirements for receiver performance and other spectrum sharing techniques like “listen before talk” or adaptive frequency agility.  

Some EMC and electrical safety standards currently listed in the R&TTE may not be updated in time for inclusion in the official journal for the RED by June 13, 2016.  We anticipate a level of confusion over the next several months regarding the self-declaration of transmitters especially for determining the appropriate electrical safety standards.  Contact Elite for the latest status on suitable standards.

Over the next few years, the EU will be working toward a more rigorous system of market surveillance that may include product registration and database listing for products having a high rate of non-compliance.

Other key points to review in the RED include the following sections.

  • Traceability information (art. 10.7 and 12.3)
  • Frequency bands and max transmitted power (art 10.8)
  • EU DoC (art 10.9)

Download Radio Equipment Directive 2014_53_EU

There is a significant effort by ETSI and the European Commission to develop the standards and processes for wireless transmitter compliance. As these requirements develop Elite will make the information available to clients by Blog and website. 

Labels: Radio Equipment Directive (RED)