CISPR 32 Emissions for Multimedia Equipment – Is this the end of CISPR 22?

A Few Common Questions on Emissions for Multimedia Equipment – What is CISPR 32 and what equipment does it cover?

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September 9, 2014

CISPR is an acronym which stands for the “Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques”. It is the international standards organization responsible for technical requirements that regulate RF interference from electronic devices.   CISPR is part of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

There are several CISPR sub-committees and each is comprised of industry EMC experts who volunteer to develop harmonized international regulations for a wide range of industries. For example, CISPR 12 and 25 provide emissions test methods and limits for automotive RF Emissions, and CISPR 11 is the emissions standard for industrial, scientific, and medical equipment.

Many of the CISPR RF emissions standards become the harmonized standards for the European Union EMC Directive. When published in the Official Journal, CISPR standards take the Euro-norm prefix “EN”, as in the case of EN 55032.     

CISPR 32 is a specific standard developed for a class of electronics described as Multi-Media Equipment (MME).  MME are electronics that incorporate a range of functions that include those in Information Technology Equipment (ITE), audio equipment, video equipment, and broadcast receiving equipment.  MME also covers entertainment lighting control equipment as well as combinations of all these equipment types.

CISPR 32 has been developed to address the fact that modern-day ITE equipment now often integrates many different functions, features, and capabilities that were previously assessed by different compliance standards.  For example, personal computers still perform functions such as word processing, database management, spreadsheet calculations, and others, but they increasingly also are used to watch video and television programming. They’re used for listing to music and radio as well as for gaming and other entertainment purposes.

Rather than have separate compliance standards for equipment that can be considered ITE or video or audio equipment, we now have a single standard, CISPR 32, that addresses the case where these different features are integrated to some degree. 

CISPR 32 has been adopted by the European Union for Multimedia Equipment and is now published in the OJ for the EMC and R&TTE Directives as the harmonized EMC standard EN 55032.

What is the relationship between CISPR 32 and CISPR 22 and CISPR 13?

CISPR 32 now covers equipment that is currently within the scope of two separate specifications: CISPR 22 for Information Technology Equipment and CISPR 13 for Sound and Television Broadcast

What are the tests?

The tests include conducted emissions and radiated emissions.

The conducted measurements that are performed:

  • on the AC Mains port
  • on the DC Mains port
  • on the network port such as on an Ethernet connection
  • on the receiver port for devices with detachable antenna ports

How do the limits compare?

The AC Mains, DC Mains, Network Port, and Antenna Port conducted emissions limits in CISPR 32 are the same as compared to those currently in CISPR 22 and CISPR 13

The radiated emissions measurements and limits in CISPR 32 are the same as compared to those in CISPR 22 and CISPR 13.

CISPR 32 provides more detailed information on the specific emissions limits for various ports on the DUT, including emissions on the shields of optical fiber ports.

When will CISPR 32 become mandatory?

CISPR 32 is harmonized now in the Official Journal (OJ) for the EMC Directive and R&TTE Directive.  CISPR 22 and CISPR 13 remain in force until March 5, 2017, and products that fall under the scope of EN 55022 and EN 55013 can continue to be sold into the EU with the CISPR 22 and 13 compliance reports.

However, after March 2017 only CISPR 32 (EN55022) will provide the presumption of conformity for ITE and broadcast receiver systems.

What about the Immunity Standards for ITE and Broadcast Receivers?

The immunity standards for broadcast receivers (CISPR 20) and for ITE (CISPR 24) will remain in place for now.  However, CISPR 35 which is not currently published in the OJ will take the place of CISPR 20 and CISPR 24. There is not currently a published date for this transition, so CISPR 20 and 24 should still be applied in parallel depending on the MME functionality.


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