Lighting Equipment Testing in One Location
Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have seen wider use due to their low power consumption and long life. But LEDs lights require power supplies with digital circuitry that can produce harmful electromagnetic interference (EMI). LED components also must survive the harsh environments around automobiles and aircraft over the long term. Trust Elite’s experienced team and advanced test capabilities to simulate any environment and prove your lighting products’ durability and performance.
Automotive lighting provides a safety-critical function and operates in its own unique environment. Elite’s recognized expertise in Automotive EMC testing has earned the confidence of automotive lighting manufacturers and vehicle OEMs. Add Elite’s industry-leading photometric lab and you can efficiently complete testing of headlights, exterior lighting, and interior displays in one location.
Elite offers combined EMC, Photometric, Electrical, Environmental, & Mechanical Testing in one location, covering all aspects of lighting fixtures and installations.

Combined testing in one location
- FAA Third-Party Certification Body for Airport Lighting Equipment
- DesignLights Consortium (DLC) Approved for IES LM-79 Lumen and Color Testing
- ISO 17025 Accredited Photometric Testing for Steady and Flashing Sources
- Night Vision (NVIS) Compatibility for Instruments, Displays and Buttons
- EMC Test Lab Recognition from Automotive OEMs
- FCC Part 15 Emissions Testing and TCB Certification for Lights, Radios, and Wireless Devices
- CE Mark Compliance to EMC, Low Voltage, and Radio Equipment Directives
- ANSI C136.31 Vibration Testing for Roadway Luminaires
- NEMA 250 and IEC 60529 Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings for Water and Dust
- Durability and Accelerated Life Testing
- Electric Power/Utility-Grade Surge and Transient Protection Testing
- EMP, HIRF and Lightning Testing up to Level 5
- Full-service Machine Shop to Design and Fabricate Custom Fixtures and Automation Solutions
- Facilities and Support Equipment for Large Test Items

Standards that apply to every lighting application
- Automotive – CISPR 12, CISPR 25, ISO 7637, ISO 10605, ISO 11451, ISO 11452, FMVSS 108, SAE J1113, SAE J551, SAE J575, SAE J845
- Commercial/Military Aviation – FAA Part 23/25/27/29, MIL-STD-810, DO-160, MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-704/1275, MIL-STD-1180, MIL-STD-1179, MIL-STD-3009, MIL-L-85762
- Airport Ground Lighting – FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345 Series, ICAO Annex 14, Canada TP312
- Obstruction Lighting – FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345 Series, ICAO Annex 14, CAR 621
- Consumer Products – IES LM-79, FCC Part 15, TCB Certification, CE Mark, NEMA 250, IEC 60529 (IP Rating)
Airport Lighting Certification & Qualification Testing
Elite is accepted by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a Third-Party Certification Body for all product types covered in the FAA Airport Lighting Equipment Certification Program (ALECP). Elite is also ISO 17025 accredited to perform EMC, electrical, mechanical, environmental, and photometric qualification testing for products covered by the FAA AC 150/5345 Series and other international specifications. Whether you need FAA certification, developmental testing, or conformity verification, Elite is the right choice to complete your project efficiently.
- FAA AC 150/5345 Series – Certification, Developmental and Qualification Testing for Runway/Taxiway Lights, Obstruction Lights, Airport Beacons, PAPIs, Isolation Transformers, Cables, etc.
- ICAO Annex 14 – Conformity Verification Testing for Runway/Taxiway Lights, Obstruction Lights, Airport Beacons, PAPIs, etc.
- Canada TP312 and CAR Standard 621 – Conformity Verification Testing for Runway/Taxiway Lights, Obstruction Lights, Airport Beacons, PAPIs, etc.