Elite Blog

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August 23rd, 2020

Employee Spotlight: FAA Certification Team

Elite was recently accepted by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a Third-Party Certification Body for all types of airport lighting equipment.
June 18th, 2020

3 Ways Elite Uses Video to Support our Customers

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged this year, Elite was investing in video conferencing and recording systems to improve collaboration with our customers
June 18th, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Kathy Barri Sewing Masks for Charity

May 5th, 2020

Partner Spotlight: QPS Evaluation Services

April 23rd, 2020

A Completed Career – Dan Crowder

Elite Electronic Engineering mourns the loss of a valued member of our technical staff, Dan Crowder.
March 23rd, 2020

3 Steps to Successful Vibration Testing

Vibration and Shock Testing of electronic components and systems is a typical requirement for the Automotive, Aerospace, and Military industries and planning a test
January 27th, 2020

Elite is a CTIA Authorized Test Lab

CTIA has officially authorized Elite to perform testing on behalf of the Wi-Fi Alliance and CTIA for Over-The-Air (OTA) conformance.
January 24th, 2020

President’s Post: Collaborating for Success

Our customers rely on our testing expertise in order to achieve their goals.
December 9th, 2019

Partner Spotlight: Global Validity

Accompanying the rapid growth of wireless connected devices is the increased complexity of regulations surrounding their testing and certification.
December 6th, 2019

2020 JCK Scholarship

Once again it’s that time of year to bring attention to the annual IEEE James C. Klouda Memorial Scholarship.
November 19th, 2019

Elite Employee Spotlight: Kameron Stephens

Title: Photometric Test Engineer Year Started at Elite: 2019 Areas of Expertise/Interest: Photometric Testing, ENV Testing, Electrical Engineering, etc.
October 8th, 2019

Elite is All Charged-Up for Ford FMC 1280

Earlier this year Ford released the FMC 1280 EMC specification covering High Voltage Electrical/Electronic Components and Subsystems during Charging.
September 10th, 2019

Observations on International Automotive EMC Testing

At Elite, we perform a significant number of Automotive EMC tests. This includes a wide range of test methods developed by standards organizations like SAE, ISO
September 8th, 2019

Experience Counts When Measuring Shielding Effectiveness

On October 15th, Elite is hosting the our annual IEEE EMC Society Oktoberfest chapter meeting with the presentation topic on radio frequency (RF) shielding.
August 6th, 2019

Employee Spotlight: Elite’s Lightning Expert Tom Klouda

Elite has been a leader in Lightning and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Testing for decades thanks to the skill and dedication of Tom Klouda
August 5th, 2019

In Case You Missed It: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on EMC+SIPI

The 2019 IEEE International Symposium on EMC+SIPI was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, in July.
June 27th, 2019

Ford Mandates Reverb RI Testing for Components

Earlier this year the Ford EMC department issued a notice to Elite and all other approved test labs that all RF radiated immunity testing
June 27th, 2019

New CMW500s Make the Connection for Wireless Devices

With many more products incorporating cellular radios, it’s become essential for Elite to have the very best equipment in place to enable wireless connectivity
June 2nd, 2019

Employee Spotlight: John Peters Joins Elite’s Midwest Wireless Test Center

Elite is proud to welcome John Peters as the latest addition to our team of wireless test experts.
April 26th, 2019

Setting Goals for Life Cycle Testing

April 24th, 2019

Employee Spotlight: Paul Gates

Here's a little bit about Paul Gates, from our Automotive EMC Testing team
March 1st, 2019

Electric Vehicles Drive New EMC Standards

For the keynote presentation, EMC engineers from Harley-Davidson will outline the technical development process and discuss the unique challenges
February 15th, 2019

Employee Spotlight: Kathy Barri and Elaine Russo At The Heart Of Elite

Kathy is our long standing office administrator, receptionist, and marketing assistant.
January 22nd, 2019

Big Challenges Require Big Changes

Being a leader in a high-tech industry requires diligent attention to new technology, emerging markets, and evolving customer needs.
January 15th, 2019

AAA Selects Elite for Headlight Study

The American Automobile Association (AAA) recently studied the impact of lens deterioration on automotive headlight performance and found that cloudy and yellowed
December 19th, 2018

Is Your Tech Gift FCC Compliant?

Everyone loves getting new gadgets during the holiday season and the Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding with more connected devices available than ever before.
December 13th, 2018

Employee Spotlight: John and Eric Lindberg on Two Generations of “Vibe Guys”

John and Eric Lindberg are two vital members of Elite’s Environmental Stress Testing team.
November 21st, 2018

Elite’s Stan Dolecki on UNECE Regulation 10

Elite's Automotive EMC Team Leader, Stan Dolecki, was recently interviewed by Interference Technology regarding UNECE Regulation 10.
October 30th, 2018

EBook: Guide to FCC Certification For Part 15 Low Power Wireless Transmitters

To help avoid radio interference, Wireless, and IoT technology has evolved using signal spreading, coding, filtering, diversity, and agile channel selection methods.
September 27th, 2018

Airport Lighting Qualification in One Location

With the addition of ISO 17025 accredited Photometric Testing, Elite is now fully equipped to test and qualify airport lighting equipment in accordance with FAA
September 25th, 2018

In Case You Missed It, Elite Was There

Elite’s staff has been busy the past few months attending important industry events that impact our test industry and the clients we serve.
August 31st, 2018

Elite Helps Steer Automotive EMC Standards Development

An Interview with Elite’s EMC Lab Manager and “CISPR-D” US Technical Advisor, Craig Fanning.